People love to shop, especially women. It's like part of their existence and if you prohibit a woman to do her shopping, prepare yourself to face her wrath. When people go shopping they tend to use their credit cards as the mode of payment. There's nothing wrong with it, just make sure that you monitor how many times you charge your purchase items to your credit card. Many people have gotten themselves involved in credit card debt problems because they depend on that small card too much. They lose control on how they should use it. In other words, they abused the privilege and convenience that little card has to offer.
When credit card holders receive the monthly credit card bill, they are often surprised of the amount they are supposed to pay. Then when reality sink in, they realize that it's their own fault why they are facing such huge amount of financial obligation. Some credit card holders will pay off bills right away, while some will prefer the credit card company to call them first and ask for their payment.
If you have credit card debts, settle it immediately. It is within the credit card company's right to ask for interest rates and fees from their clients who does not pay on time. And if your salary is not that much you and your family will surely suffer when the company reduces from your income the credit you have.
So before something happen, pay your debts now. You don't want your family to share the embarrassment and stress cause by collectors knocking at your front door, right?
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